Teen Society

                                               Teen Society 

   By, Naomi Esperanza Killian 

    ( Trigger warning this is my story and my words to those who been through what I have been through if you are dealing with things or thinking about suicide or anything please contact Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence. loveisrespect: 1-866-331-9474 ,         One girl A thousand feelings . She has A kind heart A smile that can be contagious they say the happiest person can hold the most painful , darkest thoughts the mouth can tell the sweetest lies the most beautiful eyes can tell the hardest and painful nights her brain can tell her the worst of all more than what people can say to her she is A victim of her own self  defeat and hate she wishes it was a nightmare and never born she is still strong no matter what she cares about of how the people that love her will die if she was gone the. Battle scares on her arms and thighs and stomach shows that she is just trying to fight her battles and the war in her head but she will fall and get back up because she is a warrior with A twist we are all broken Angles  some of us are fallen Angles half heavenly and half hell bound . Boy's tend to be strong because they don't wanna be pushed around because they are human we all have emotions . How many of us got to call are friend a Razor is this what life has become Teen's  . Playing Russia Roulette With Their Lives one thing can cause us to pull the trigger . Why Is Life So Hard  We All Got Our Own Battles To Fight You Will    Make It I Believe In You Life Will Get Better In The End . 


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